special event Sponsorship

Sponsorships for special events including the Hemet Theatre Annual Tribute, Voice of the Valley, Star Facto Talent Competition, and Grace's Guild Annual Fundraiser, helps the Theatre achieve its critical annual fundraising goals.  Event sponsorships provides opportunities for recognition and other benefits, depending on the nature of the event and level of gift.

Event sponsorship benefits may include:

  • Preferred event seating
  • Public recognition in Theatre program
  • Sponsor listing in the event program
  • Meet and greet opportunities with artists, if applicable
  • Logo or ad reproduction in the event program, if applicable
  • Recognition on the Hemet Theatre website, if applicable

For more information on Friends and President’s Circles contact the General Manager, Alexander Yepremian, at (760) 755-9711 or ayepremian@hemettheatre.org