Donor Policy

Hemet Theatre is committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of your financial information to the extent possible, subject to provisions of California and federal law. Financial information is not disclosed without your consent other than as required by law or in response to subpoenas or other legal instruments that authorize disclosure.

What information do we collect?

Categories of information collected by this website or through offline systems or procedures include: names, physical locations, addresses, phone and fax numbers, email addresses, asset values, tax rates and limits, other financial information, names of heirs and/or assigns, user names, passwords and your computer characteristics such as browser, operating systems and other data. This information may be used to customize your proposals, create a personal account, retrieve your information upon return to our website and for other practical uses.

What do we use your information for?

Hemet Theatre may use information collected from our website for the purpose of future communication with online enrollees. Any email communication will conform with California and federal law.

In addition, Hemet Theatre web servers collect the following information and related data: Internet Protocol (IP) address of computer being used; web pages requested; referring web page; browser used; date and time. This information is collected to monitor your navigation of our web pages. We may use browser-IP-address information and anonymous-browser history to report information about site accesses and for profiling purposes. This information is generally used to improve web presentation and utilization. We also may use IP address information for troubleshooting purposes.

Updating Personal Information

Questions regarding your options to review, modify or delete previously provided personal information should be directed to

Do we use cookies?

This website may use "cookies" in order to deliver web content specific to users. web navigation interests or to keep track of online transactions.

Disclosure of Collected Information

We will not disclose or share information without your consent, except for general statistical purposes and certain explicit circumstances in which disclosure may be required by law. Your information will not be distributed or sold to third-party organizations.

Online & Offline Privacy Policy

This privacy statement applies to this website and offline communication. This website and included programs are supported by Hemet Theatre.

Links to Other Sites

You may encounter links to other websites of organizations not directly affiliated with our organization. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the information practices of external organizations. We recommend you review the privacy statements of each external website that collects personal information.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy has been created and approved by Hemet Theatre It may be periodically revised and updated to reflect the current status of Hemet Theatre servers or guidelines. Any revisions to this privacy policy will be posted at this URL. You may submit inquiries about this policy to

This policy was last modified on 01/01/2024

This Hemet website is informational and educational in nature. It is not offering professional legal, tax or accounting advice on your estate. All persons who use information from this site must be advised by qualified professional counsel. For specific advice about the effect of any planning concept on your estate, please consult a qualified professional advisor.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this donor/privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.

Historic Hemet Theater
216 E Florida Ave
Hemet, CA 92543
(951) 658-5950